Often Take Antibiotics While Pregnant, Children At Risk of Lung Disorders
Containing is a 'task' is heavy, one of which because the mother must maintain their own health so as not to affect the health of the fetus. But what if the mother gets sick? When a pregnant mother is sick, doctors can choose a drug that is not risky to them. But if there is a mother who is desperate to take medication alone, especially antibiotics, then this can be risky for the fetus. Recent research from Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center reveals long-term consumption of antibiotics can disrupt the immune system or fetal immunity and cause health problems in the child. In this case is the emergence of the risk of pneumonia in the child. This is evident from the results of observations of researchers against a group of rat children. In fact, mice who are often given antibiotics will give birth to children who are at high risk of experiencing pneumonia or pneumonia.Read also: Antibiotics are Not Allowed to Drink When Planned Pregnant Then what to do? One of the researchers, Hitesh Deshmukh, MD, PhD explains, it is a strong body of defense systems are based on the flow of molecular signals that occur due to the body reacts to the presence of good bacteria that colonize in the intestine. This signal gives the 'command' to lungs when the body needs to build immune cells, how many and wherever they will be placed.Persoalannya, when antibiotics enter the body, this drug will eliminate the good bacteria earlier, and automatically cut off an important signal between the immune system with bacteria in the intestine . As a result, the lungs also participate weakened. Similarly, as reported Medical Xpress.Ditambah again, the process of immune system formation in infants spend considerable time. And once there is a disturbance in the middle of the process, then the damage can be permanent. That's why the excess antibiotics can help explain why someone who does not have a genetic risk for developing asthma or other lung disease can appear, Hitesh continued. Must be Watched If Pregnant Mother Drink Drug Dr M Nurhadi Rahman, SpOG from RSUP Dr. Sardjito Yogyakarta never advised, if pregnant women sick and forced to take medicine, the use of drugs can be consulted with doctor first. For flu and toothache for example, doctors will prescribe drugs that contain only paracetamol alone without any other mixture. Not only the type of drug, the way it should also be taken into account for the safety of the fetus in the womb. Doctors also do not recommend to do swamedikasi or own treatment, including when choosing traditional medicinal products. If you buy on the street or who is not certified, although the herbs we never know the composition used safe or not. So, should be avoided alone, the message dr Nurhadi to detikHealth some time ago. (Lll / vit)
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